First test, then send Use the preview function . With the help of the preview that the email tool offers you, you can check in advance whether everything is in the right place. In the best case scenario, you can access an inbox preview that shows you the mailing in the different email clients and devices. Four eyes see more than two . Therefore, always have a second person look over the newsletter.
Especially when you have created things yourself, it is easy Chinese Singapore Phone Number List to overlook something. Carry out a test send . Use test shipping before regular shipping. On the one hand, to let at least one other person look at it and, on the other hand, errors can be found during test shipping that were not visible in the preview. Test all links. An automated link check can help to quickly find incorrect URLs.
A manual check ensures that your recipients get to their desired destination. Also check audience-specific content . If your mailing contains personalized elements or is in several languages, test this on a random basis as well . Before sending, check again whether the recipient list and target group are set correctly. Nothing is more embarrassing than sending content to the wrong recipients.
Regular A/B tests make sense . Through testing, you can find out what works better with each target group. This will improve your key figures and results in the long term. Regular analysis of the newsletter key figures After sending, the mailing should be analyzed for the most important key figures in order to be able to optimize subsequent newsletters accordingly. The short version of these points is available here as a checklist to tick off - downloadable as a PDF.